Write short notes on Assessment

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Taxation Management

Answer the following question.
Q1. Write short notes on Annual Value (10 marks)
Q2. Write short notes on Assessment (10 marks)
Q3. Discuss the following exemption from Income tax? a) Scholarship b) Daily allowance of MP or MLA c) Awards and Rewards. (10 marks)
Q4. How will you determine the income from house property under the Income Tax Act 1961? (10 marks)
Q5. Which are the amounts chargeable under the head “Income from Capital gains”? (10 marks)
Q6. Write short notes on Assessee (10 marks)
Q7. Distinguish between : a) Resident and Nonresident (10 marks)
Q8. What are the different heads of income under which income is to be computed under the Income tax Act 1961? (10 marks)

Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
Project Report and Thesis contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


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